Products to Avoid Using on Locs

6 Products to Avoid on Locs

Products to Avoid Using on Locs

6 Products to Avoid Using on Locs and Why

Maintaining beautiful and healthy locs requires careful consideration of the products we use. Some ingredients you should watch out for in loc products are sulfates, petroleum, artificial fragrances, and wax. Choosing the wrong loc products can lead to build-up, breakage, and overall damage to your locs. 
In my first loc journey, I made all the mistakes so that you won't have to. In this blog, we'll explore some products to avoid using on locs and the reasons behind steering clear of them.

1. Heavy Waxes  

Despite its popularity in the past, wax has garnered a reputation as a product to steer clear of when it comes to loc maintenance. The best hair locking products should not leave build-up in your hair.
Here's a breakdown of why wax and locs make for an unfavorable combination:

Residue Buildup

One of the primary reasons to avoid wax on locs is its tendency to create stubborn residue. Wax has a thick, sticky consistency that can be challenging to wash out completely. Over time, this residue accumulates, leading to a gummy, tacky texture that attracts dirt and lint. The resulting buildup not only looks unsightly but can also hinder the natural movement and flexibility of locs.

Blocked Pores and Airflow

Locs thrive when they can breathe, and any substance that obstructs this airflow can be detrimental. Wax has a knack for blocking pores and preventing proper ventilation. This lack of airflow can contribute to trapped moisture, mold growth, and an unhealthy scalp environment. Healthy locs require oxygen and proper ventilation to flourish, making wax a counterproductive choice.

Attraction of Debris

Wax-coated locs become magnets for debris. Whether it's dust, lint, or other environmental particles, the sticky nature of wax makes locs more prone to collecting unwanted elements. This not only diminishes the aesthetic appeal of your locs but also creates an environment conducive to hygiene issues and potential scalp problems.

Difficulty in Cleansing

Wax is notorious for being stubborn to cleanse. Regular shampoos may struggle to break down the wax residue, requiring excessive scrubbing and potentially causing damage to the locs in the process. This difficulty in cleansing can result in incomplete removal, leaving behind traces of wax that continue to compromise loc health over time.

Interference with Natural Texture

Locs have a distinct and natural texture that adds to their charm. Wax, however, tends to alter this texture, often making locs appear artificial and unnatural. The buildup caused by wax can weigh down locs, leading to a loss of their unique shape and texture.

Locs are prone to collecting residue, and using these products can lead to a sticky, gummy texture that is difficult to cleanse. Instead, opt for natural oils like jojoba or grapeseed oil, which moisturize without leaving a heavy residue, or natural gels for your retwists.

2. Petroleum-Based Products

Petroleum-Based Products

Petroleum-based products, commonly found in some hair greases and pomades, can be detrimental to loc health. 
Despite its widespread use in various hair care items, petroleum-based products can have detrimental effects on locs. Here's a closer look at why it's advisable to avoid these formulations in loc maintenance.

Buildup and Residue

Petroleum-based products, including certain hair greases and pomades, have a knack for leaving behind stubborn residue. When applied to locs, they can accumulate over time, creating a sticky, greasy buildup. This buildup not only affects the appearance of locs but also makes them more prone to trapping dirt and lint, resulting in an unclean and unkempt look.

Hindered Moisture Absorption

Locs thrive on adequate moisture, but petroleum has a counterproductive effect on this essential aspect of loc health. These products can form a barrier over the hair shaft, hindering the absorption of moisture. As a result, locs become susceptible to dryness and may lack the flexibility and sheen associated with well-hydrated hair.

Clogged Pores and Scalp Issues

Petroleum-based products can clog the pores on the scalp, leading to potential issues such as folliculitis or inflammation. A blocked scalp impedes the natural flow of sebum and hinders the health of hair follicles. This interference with the scalp's natural processes can result in an unhealthy environment for locs to thrive.

Heavy and Weighed Down Locs

Locs are at their best when they maintain a certain level of lightness and flexibility. Petroleum-based products, being heavy and dense, can weigh down locs, causing them to lose their natural bounce and movement. This can alter the aesthetic appeal of locs, making them appear flat and less dynamic.

Difficulty in Cleansing

The thick consistency of petroleum-based products makes them challenging to wash out completely. Regular shampoos may struggle to break down the greasy residue, leading to incomplete cleansing. This difficulty in removal can contribute to ongoing issues, including an unclean scalp and compromised loc health.

Potential for Product Migration

Petroleum-based products may migrate from the locs onto other surfaces, such as clothing or bedding. This migration can create stains and be inconvenient for daily activities, further emphasizing the need for caution when using such products.

These products are known to clog pores and hinder moisture absorption, leading to dry and brittle locs. Choose water-based or natural oil-based moisturizers to maintain proper hydration without compromising the health of your locs. By avoiding these products, you allow your locs to breathe, absorb moisture effectively, and maintain their natural beauty without the hindrances associated with petroleum-based formulations. 

3. Alcohol-Heavy Products

Avoid products with high alcohol content, such as certain gels and hairsprays. Alcohol tends to strip the hair of its natural oils, leaving locs dry and susceptible to breakage. Instead, opt for alcohol-free styling products that provide hold without compromising moisture.
Here's a closer look at why steering clear of alcohol-heavy products is a wise choice for loc enthusiasts.

Stripping Natural Oils

One of the primary concerns with alcohol-heavy products is their potential to strip away natural oils from the hair. Locs thrive when they maintain a balance of moisture, and alcohol, with its drying properties, can disrupt this delicate equilibrium. Stripping the hair of its natural oils leaves locs vulnerable to dryness and brittleness, undermining their overall health.

Increased Proneness to Breakage

Dry locs are more prone to breakage, and the use of alcohol-heavy products exacerbates this risk. Brittle hair is less flexible, making it susceptible to snapping, splitting, and overall damage. For locs to flourish, maintaining their natural elasticity is crucial, and alcohol-laden formulations can compromise this essential quality.

Scalp Irritation

Alcohol is known for its astringent properties, and when applied to the scalp, it can cause irritation. The delicate skin on the scalp, crucial for healthy hair growth, may become dry, itchy, or inflamed when exposed to high concentrations of alcohol. Continuous use of such products can contribute to an uncomfortable and potentially unhealthy scalp environment.

Disruption of Curl Pattern

Locs often have a distinct curl or wave pattern that contributes to their aesthetic appeal. Alcohol-heavy products can interfere with this natural pattern, leading to altered textures and diminished visual appeal. Locs lose their unique character when subjected to ingredients that disrupt their inherent structure.

Compromised Moisture Retention

Proper moisture retention is essential for the health and appearance of locs. Alcohol evaporates quickly, and when present in high concentrations, it can contribute to moisture loss. Locs that lack sufficient moisture can become dry, frizzy, and difficult to manage, emphasizing the need for a moisturizing routine free from alcohol-laden products.

Potential for Scalp Dryness

The drying effect of alcohol extends beyond the hair itself; it can impact the scalp as well. Dry scalp is not conducive to healthy hair growth, and prolonged use of alcohol-heavy products may contribute to ongoing scalp dryness.

Steering clear of alcohol-heavy formulations allows loc enthusiasts to nurture their hair with ingredients that promote moisture, flexibility, and overall well-being. 

4. Sulfate in Products like Shampoos


Sulfates are harsh detergents commonly found in many shampoos. While they effectively clean the hair, they can be too harsh for locs, stripping away essential oils and causing excessive dryness. Choose sulfate-free shampoos that gently cleanse without compromising the natural oils your locs need.
Here are the reasons why steering clear of sulfate-containing shampoos is a is important looking to nurture healthy and vibrant locs.

Stripping Natural Oils

Sulfates, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, are powerful detergents known for their ability to create a rich lather. However, this cleansing power comes at a cost – sulfates strip away natural oils from the hair and scalp. For locs, which benefit from maintaining a balance of moisture, this can be counterproductive. Stripped of its natural oils, locs are more prone to dryness and may lose their essential flexibility.

Drying Effect on Hair

The strong cleansing action of sulfates can result in a drying effect on the hair shaft. Locs, like all hair types, need moisture to maintain their integrity. The drying effect of sulfates can leave locs brittle and more susceptible to breakage. Optimal moisture retention is key to the health and appearance of locs, making sulfate-free alternatives a preferable choice.

Potential Scalp Irritation:

Sulfates can be harsh on the scalp, causing irritation, dryness, and potential inflammation. The delicate skin on the scalp plays a crucial role in the health of locs, and subjecting it to the harsh effects of sulfates may disrupt the natural balance. An irritated scalp can lead to discomfort and may even hinder healthy hair growth.

Color Fading

For those with colored locs, sulfate-containing shampoos pose an additional concern. Sulfates are known to strip away hair color, leading to premature fading. Colored locs require gentle care to preserve the vibrancy of the dye, making sulfate-free shampoos a more suitable choice for maintaining both the color and health of locs.

Weakened Hair Structure

Sulfates can compromise the structural integrity of the hair shaft over time. This weakening effect, combined with the natural weight of locs, may contribute to increased susceptibility to breakage. Locs that lack strength are more likely to become frayed and may lose their well-defined shape.

Potential for Over-Cleansing

Sulfates are potent cleansers, and the use of sulfate-containing shampoos may lead to over-cleansing. While cleanliness is important for locs, excessive washing can disrupt the natural balance of oils and moisture, resulting in dry and unruly locs.

Opting for sulfate-free shampoos is a prudent choice for those committed to the health and longevity of their locs. I have a guide for the best shampoos for locs that will help you avoid sulfate shampoos.

5. Artificial Fragrances

Some hair care products contain synthetic fragrances that can be irritating to the scalp and may cause allergic reactions. Opt for products with natural or essential oil-based scents to minimize the risk of irritation and maintain a healthy scalp.
Here are some of the reasons why you should steer clear of products with synthetic scents:

Potential Irritation

Artificial fragrances often contain a cocktail of chemicals that can be harsh on the scalp. The delicate skin on the scalp is integral to the overall health of locs, and exposure to synthetic fragrances may lead to irritation, itching, or even allergic reactions. For loc enthusiasts aiming for a healthy scalp environment, choosing products with natural or essential oil-based scents is a safer bet.

Overpowering Scent

Artificial fragrances have a notorious reputation for being overpowering. While a pleasant scent can enhance the grooming experience, an excessively strong fragrance can be overwhelming. Locs, with their unique identity, may be better served by subtler, naturally derived scents that complement rather than dominate.

Masking Odors vs. Healthy Scalp

Some artificial fragrances are designed to mask odors rather than address the root cause. If there are underlying issues with the scalp or locs, relying on synthetic scents to cover them up can be counterproductive. It's essential to prioritize the health of locs over temporary fragrance solutions.

Chemical Sensitivity

Loc enthusiasts may have varying levels of sensitivity to chemicals present in artificial fragrances. What smells pleasant to one person may trigger headaches or allergic reactions in another. Choosing products with minimal synthetic additives reduces the risk of adverse reactions and supports a more universally friendly approach to loc care.

Buildup and Residue

Artificial fragrances often come with additional ingredients to enhance their longevity. Unfortunately, these additives can contribute to product buildup and residue on locs. Over time, the accumulation of these substances may create a sticky, gummy texture that compromises the cleanliness and natural flow of locs.

Choosing products with natural or essential oil-based scents ensures that your locs receive the aromatic touch they deserve without compromising their well-being. Healthy locs are the result of conscious and informed choices that celebrate the natural beauty of your hair.      

6. Cream-based Products

cream-based product

While there's a wide range of products available, including creams, it's worth noting that cream-based formulations may not always be the most suitable choice for loc enthusiasts. Here's a breakdown of why some individuals opt to avoid cream-based pr oducts when caring for their locs.

Residue Buildup

Cream-based products often have a thick and rich consistency. While this texture can be beneficial for certain hair types, it can pose challenges for locs. The richness of creams may lead to residue buildup over time, especially if not thoroughly washed out during regular cleansing routines. This buildup can affect the cleanliness and appearance of locs.

They Attract Debris

Creams, particularly those with heavier formulations, can attract debris such as lint and dust. The residue left behind by these products may act as a magnet for environmental particles, making locs more prone to accumulating unwanted materials. This can be aesthetically displeasing and compromise the overall cleanliness of the locs.

Potential for Product Migration

Cream-based products can have a tendency to migrate from the hair to surrounding surfaces, such as clothing, pillows, or bedding. This product migration can result in stains and may be inconvenient for daily activities. Loc enthusiasts may prefer products with formulations that are less prone to such migration.

Weighed Down Locs

The thick consistency of cream-based products can add weight to locs, making them feel heavy and potentially affecting their natural movement. Locs are typically appreciated for their unique texture and lightness, and products that weigh them down may alter their natural characteristics.

Difficulty in Cleansing

Creams can be challenging to wash out completely, especially if they contain heavy oils or emollients. Incomplete removal may contribute to product buildup, leading to a gummy or sticky texture that is difficult to address without thorough cleansing.

Some individuals may find certain cream-based formulations that work well with their locs, especially if used sparingly and in conjunction with a consistent cleansing routine. As always, the key is to be mindful of product ingredients, choose formulations that align with loc needs, and maintain a routine that supports the overall health and appearance of locs.


What Shampoo Ingredients to Avoid with Dreadlocks?

Some ingredients you should avoid with locs include sulfate, silicon, alcohol, synthetic fragrances, and petroleum. These ingredients can lead to build-up, dry and brittle locs

Is Conditioner Bad for Locs?

Conditioner isn't necessarily bad for locs in my experience. The problem is that most conditioners are cream-bas which will lead to build-up in your locs. Try to find a conditioner that is meant for locs like Loc Lion's conditioner and stay away from leave-in conditioners.

What Damages Locs?

A lot of things can lead to damaged locs including tight hairstyles, wrong products, and bad loc practices. To help you figure this out, check out my guide for the best tips for healthy locs.

Final Thoughts

Healthy locs stem from a mindful approach to product selection, focusing on nourishing ingredients that contribute to their overall well-being. Taking care of your locs involves making informed choices about the products you use. In this guide we've taken you through products you should avoid using on locs and why.
Opt for natural, nourishing products that promote moisture retention and overall loc health. Remember, a consistent and gentle care routine is key to maintaining the vitality and beauty of your locs for years to come.

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